Best Management Practices

For Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Control

Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) are food by‐products that can severely damage a facility’s drain line system as well as the sanitary sewer system.  FOG collect and can eventually harden on the inside of the sewer pipes; preventing water from flowing and causing blockages.  Blockages in the sewer result in Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), dumping raw sewage into streets, lakes, streams, homes and businesses.  The best way to prevent blockages is to keep FOG out of the drain line system.  Below is a list of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will help to prolong the life of your drain line system and reduce the inconvenience and cost of line blockages. 

Follow the DOs and DON'Ts of Best Management Practices


  • Don’t put grease, fryer oil, food, or food scraps down any sink or floor drain.
  • Don’t pour bleach directly down ANY drain. Bleach when used improperly dewaters grease, making is as hard as concrete.
  • Don’t remove sink strainers or drain covers, they should be kept in place for all drain fixtures. Empty scraps from strainers and covers into trash.
  • Don’t use cleaning chemicals improperly. Follow the instructions on the label, for your safety as well as the safety of the environment


  • Do throw all food waste into the garbage.
  • Do deposit used fryer oil in the appropriate container(s), such as a waste grease bin.
  • Do use paper towels to soak up any oil or grease spills, including areas under fryer baskets. Throw paper towels into the trash.
  • Do wipe down work areas. Dispose of the paper towels into the trash.
  • Do check that all sinks and floor drains have installed strainers or covers.
  • Do know the location and operation of all FOG control devices.
  • Do keep dumpster areas clean and free of loose trash.
  • Do display appropriate kitchen signage, which can be provided upon request.
  • Do orient all employees to proper handling of food, including how to scrape excess food into the garbage, how to clean up spills, and how to clean sink strainers and floor drains. Documentation of employee training shall be made available for review at any time. 

Questions regarding FOG control?
Call Kennedy/Jenks Consultants at 303‐985‐3636 

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