
South Arapahoe Sanitation District (SASD) has a number of programs to operate and maintain its sanitary sewer system and keep it in good working condition.

Scheduled Maintenance

Unscheduled Maintenance

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

Industrial Pretreatment Program

Creek Crossings

Scheduled Maintenance

SASD’s maintenance contractor, Guildner Pipeline Maintenance (GPM), jet cleans and televises a portion of SASD’s sanitary sewer system every year. All PVC pipes are jet cleaned and televised every 4-years, and non-PVC pipes are jet cleaned and televised every 2-years. SASD’s Engineer, Kennedy Jenks, reviews the video taken by GPM and assesses each pipe for any maintenance or structural issues.

GPM also maintains SASD’s one lift station on at least a weekly basis.

Unscheduled Maintenance

Unscheduled maintenance can be performed as a result of seeing a maintenance issue in scheduled video, or as a result of a call from a customer or other entity. This work may include removing roots or blockages in the sanitary sewer system.

Note, SASD’s maintenance contractor is only able to remove roots and blockages from SASD’s sanitary sewer line. We recommend all homeowners maintain their sanitary sewer line to prevent root or debris accumulation. The photo below shows excessive roots coming from a private sanitary sewer line into SASD’s main line.

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

Every year, SASD rehabilitates a portion of the sanitary sewer system that is observed to have structural issues, such as cracks or breaks. It is SASD’s preference to rehabilitate using trenchless, “no-dig,” technology, such as installing cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP), that only require manhole entry. In some extreme cases trenchless rehabilitation is not possible and excavation is necessary. In all cases, SASD’s selected contractor will need to set up temporary bypass piping to convey sanitary sewer flows during CIPP installation or excavation. The contractor will make all attempts to minimize disruption to the public and will notify residents or businesses that may be directly affected by this work.

Industrial Pretreatment Program

The industrial pretreatment program helps to prevent excessive amounts of fats, oil, grease (FOG) or petroleum oil, grease, and sand (POGS) from entering the sanitary sewer system. When these materials enter the system they increase the risk of clogging and may result in a backup. SASD works with the South Platte Water Renewal Wastewater Treatment Plant in enforcing its Industrial Pretreatment Program. This program involves periodic inspections of businesses that generate either FOG (such as a restaurant) or POGS (such as a car wash), and educational outreach regarding Best Management Practices (BMPs). Additional information about SASD’s FOG and POGS Program can be found in the following documents:

Creek Crossings

SASD’s sanitary sewer system crosses a defined waterway, such as Big Dry Creek, in at least forty (40) locations. Two (2) of these crossings are above ground (“aerial”) and the remainder are buried. Kennedy Jenks visits all creek crossings on at least an annual basis to make sure that the creek bed condition has not changed in such a way as to expose or undermine the encasement around the sanitary sewer line.

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