Letter to FOG and POGS Facilities

To: Business Owner

Re: Grease Program to Mitigate Fats, Oil, Grease (FOG) and Petroleum Oil, Grease, and Sand (POGS)

Your business is located in South Arapahoe Sanitation District (SASD/District) and considered a generator of either Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) or Petroleum, Oil, Grease, and Sand (POGS). Per SASD Rules and Regulations (Sections 9A-3 and 9A) your business is required to have a grease or sand/oil interceptor and to properly maintain the interceptor. Grease and sand/oil interceptors help prevent excessive amounts of FOG or POGS from entering your private sanitary sewer line and the wastewater collection system. If unimpeded, FOG and POGS could ultimately cause blockages and sewer backups.

Owner Responsibility: It is your responsibility to keep the interceptor accessible, to utilize Best Management Practices (see attached BMP flier), to keep the interceptor in good working order, and to pump your interceptor at least once every 90 days at a minimum. Cleaning intervals may need to change so as not to allow the interceptor’s contents to exceed a ratio of FOG/POGS to water greater than 25%.

For additional information, please review South Platte Renew’s Industrial Pretreatment resources for Food Establishments.


Observations by SASD: The District’s engineering consultant, Kennedy Jenks, performs regular observations of the businesses within SASD that generate FOG and POGS. As authorized agents of the District, Kennedy Jenks’ personnel may go upon your property to view your interceptor and/or your business BMPs. New facilities will be observed quarterly for the first year. After the first year, observations are performed a minimum of every six (6) months. If an observation results in a finding that the user has not complied with SASD’s interceptor requirements or BMPs, a repeat observation will be performed at your expense (explained below).

Kennedy Jenks’ personnel may request to review the most recent receipts for the removal and hauling of the materials collected from the interceptor. Businesses/Owners are required to keep records of all maintenance activities for a minimum of three (3) years.

Fees and Charges/Enforcement: Facilities that generate FOG or POGS will be charged an annual fee of $150 to cover the cost of regular observations. If a regular observation results in a finding of noncompliance with SASD requirements, you will be given a Failure Notice and required to correct any observed noncompliance. Interceptor pumping violations, and/or failures to meet BMP requirements, must be corrected within five (5) calendar days. Interceptor repair violations must be corrected within fifteen (15) calendar days. If your business receives an interceptor Notice of Violation, Kennedy Jenks’ personnel will return for a follow-up observation to ensure compliance.

A $75 charge will be assessed for each follow-up observation due to noncompliance of SASD requirements. In addition, if FOG or POGS accumulation is found downstream of your business, SASD may require you to reimburse the District for cleaning of sewer facilities. Failures to pay the required charges may result in the filing of a lien against the property in which your business is located.

FOG and POGS Prevention: For facilities that generate FOG or POGS, the best way to avoid noncompliance of SASD requirements is to follow BMPs for FOG or POGS control. A copy of BMP requirements is attached and may also be provided during regular interceptor observations.

For more information please contact Jennifer Chipman, District Engineer, at Kennedy Jenks, 303-985-3636 or jenniferchipman@kennedyjenks.com

Thank you in advance for your efforts to keep your sewer and SASD’s sewer free of FOG.

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