Best Management Practices

For Petroleum Oil, Grease, and Sand (POGS) Control

Petroleum Oil, Grease, and Sand (POGS) are sand, grit, and/or petroleum by‐products that can severely damage a facility’s drain line system as well as the sanitary sewer system.  POGS collect and can eventually harden on the inside of the sewer pipes; preventing water from flowing and causing blockages. Blockages in the sewer cause Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), dumping raw sewage into streets, lakes, streams, homes and businesses.

The best way to prevent blockages is to keep POGS out of the drain line system.  Below is a list of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will help to prolong the life of your sewer service line, and reduce the inconvenience and cost of line blockages.

Follow the DOs and DON'Ts of Best Management Practices


  • Don’t pour chemicals, automotive or other commercial/industrial fluids sludge, or other substances down drains. Collect those items in designated containers.
  • Don’t use cleaning chemicals improperly. Follow the instructions on the label, for your safety as well as the safety of the environment.


  • Do install mesh screens if you have the potential to discharge debris larger than ½”.
  • Do store raw and hazardous materials and new and used waste fluids away from sanitary sewer floor drains or within secondary containment to reduce the potential for spills to reach the sanitary sewer system.
  • Do sweep or dry wipe floors prior to floor wash down to ensure that there is no excessive oil or sand entering the sanitary sewer.
  • Do train all employees on the proper disposal of oils and other wastes into designated containers without spilling.  In the event of a spill, employees shall know the location, use, and disposal of absorption products to clean any spills.  Washing spills into drains is prohibited.
  • Do keep all wastes away from doorways or other structural openings to prevent illegal discharges to the sewer system or environment.
  • Do post signs above all sinks and drainage fixtures prohibiting the discharge of oil and other chemical waste down the drains.

Questions regarding POGS control?
Call Kennedy/Jenks Consultants at 303‐985‐3636 

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